Thursday, July 31, 2008

Random musings from the road

Grandma lived in the Southeast for a while, and acquired a taste for a weird southern treat. If you have been o the area, or are a fan of Alton Brown’s show Good Eats, you have probably heard of boiled peanuts. They take the peanuts and boil them in salty water for hours while still in the shell. You can ea them hot or cold. It is not for everyone. This isn’t a snack you get at a neat and tidy store or restaurant. People have big kettles in their front yards or at their businesses. It took some time before we found a place we found a place that was ok looking enough to stop. Grandma took her peanuts back to the room and put them in the fridge. Well, Max saw them later and pointed and exclaimed “Dog Poop!” He could not be convinced we had not lost our minds and put dog poop in the fridge. Grandma tried to convince him it was peanuts by snacking on them, but I really don’t think he was convinced.

Max has reached a stage where he does not want to be photographed. We have probably deleted as many pictures of him as we kept. The family photo taken on our balcony at Nags Head looks good because we promised him a sucker if he would smile for grandma. Just a few weeks ago, he would flash a million dollar smile every time he saw a camera. As a result, we haven't taken as many photo's as vacations past.

We had lunch today in a local favorite, and we stumbled there by accident. The Old Chickahominy House serves very traditional dishes and we were blown away by the quality of our meal, especially the old fashioned, coconut pie! Here is a link if you want to know more

At Colonial Williamsburg, we are using the buses to shuttle us around. They are quick, convenient and air conditioned. So far, I think it is absolutely Max’s favorite thing here.

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