Today was our final day. We had so much fun shopping, getting pictures and redoing some of our favorite rides. Heather's ankle felt stiff, but not painful. We rented a wheelchair to help her along. Max had a great time pushing her around. We had a late lunch at the cheesecake factory, a perfect way to end a great vacation.
We re-rode Escape from Gringott's today, and it was malfunction free. Diagon Alley is just my favorite place. Too many muggles once the park opens to all, but such a fun adventure for an hour or so when the crowds are low. MIB made the rotation today too. Max loves shooting the aliens. Heather rode the Mummy ride, Max opted out. I was going to ride it too, but Heather reported it was pretty jerky so I decided to skip it this time. Shrek and Minions were on the list to see, but they are right by the gate and therefore have some of the longest lines. So we opted to switch parks and re ride Spiderman instead. I am so glad we did, because Max got to meet Wolverine and Captain America on Marvel Island. And we met Betty Book in Toon town and had fun with the speech bubbles. These 4 days were FAST, but so much fun!

1 comment:
Looks like you've had a great time! So sorry about Heather's ankle! That really stinks!
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