Today we drove South through the outer banks. Most of our journey was on federally protected land. We watched some kayakers get ready to set off on the sound side. Max really thought the boats were cool, and we had to tear him away to get on our way. We stopped at Cape Hatteras light house. This lighthouse was moved in 1999 from its eroding base to a spot further inland. They expect to move it again in 60 years, because the Outer Banks are eroding. In fact, for most of our drive we could see the ocean within 20 yards to one side, and the sound just as close on the other. We did not go up into the lighthouse. You can, but Max wouldn’t be allowed and the tickets were timed, so we decided to push on. Maybe we will come back some day when Max can climb himself. No one is allowed who has to be carried.
Next we took a ferry to Okracoke Island. Max loved the ferry.
He saw the white water churned by the boat and was just sure it was milk. That reminded him it was time for lunch, so we went to eat first thing off the boat. Off course, as soon as we were driving again, Max fell asleep! Once we had all eaten, we headed to Teach’s hole. This is a pirate place named after Black beard (his hideout was on Ocracoke and he was beheaded here). Grandma visited several years ago- when they were moving the lighthouse- and said it used to be more legitimate as a destination. Now it’s just a big pirate tourist trap. We visited a memorial for some British soldiers at a spot that is the only British owned land in the US where the bodies of some British sailors are buried after their ship was sunk by German U-boats during WWII.
Finally, we were on our way to the #1 beach in the US! It is just beautiful, soft, fine sand and deep green water. Max loved the sand and wouldn’t have anything to do with the water at first. Me and mommy played in the water. In fact, the very first big wave, and there were lots of big waves, too us both down. We both lost our sunglasses, and I lost one shoe. It wasn’t a fancy shoe, but it was brand new as I had just bought it to have something to wear in the water. When you don’t live near the beach, it’s easy to forget the water can toss you around so easily. Max finally came to the edge and really enjoyed the water. He kept saying it tickled him. We stayed here for several hours, just enjoying ourselves.
When we left, we stopped at the Pony pen. The Outer Banks have had wild horses that roam freely for many years. The horses are unique and have fewer ribs and vertebrate than any other horses. In Ocracoke, they penned them several years ago, because they were being killed because of the traffic. Grandma says one of the islands south of us still lets their herd run free. We headed back to our hotel after seeing them. It was a long day, but really fun. It is just awesome to see your kid enjoy their first time at the Ocean. The ferry ride back was beautiful and we watched the sunset from the boat.
Next we took a ferry to Okracoke Island. Max loved the ferry.
Finally, we were on our way to the #1 beach in the US! It is just beautiful, soft, fine sand and deep green water. Max loved the sand and wouldn’t have anything to do with the water at first. Me and mommy played in the water. In fact, the very first big wave, and there were lots of big waves, too us both down. We both lost our sunglasses, and I lost one shoe. It wasn’t a fancy shoe, but it was brand new as I had just bought it to have something to wear in the water. When you don’t live near the beach, it’s easy to forget the water can toss you around so easily. Max finally came to the edge and really enjoyed the water. He kept saying it tickled him. We stayed here for several hours, just enjoying ourselves.
When we left, we stopped at the Pony pen. The Outer Banks have had wild horses that roam freely for many years. The horses are unique and have fewer ribs and vertebrate than any other horses. In Ocracoke, they penned them several years ago, because they were being killed because of the traffic. Grandma says one of the islands south of us still lets their herd run free. We headed back to our hotel after seeing them. It was a long day, but really fun. It is just awesome to see your kid enjoy their first time at the Ocean. The ferry ride back was beautiful and we watched the sunset from the boat.
Tomorrow we are exploring Roanoke Island.
Good Night from NC!
PS- Still working on fixing the camera problem.
Good Night from NC!
PS- Still working on fixing the camera problem.
Did you really do all that in 1 day! That is a lot of stuff. Sounds like a great time. Have a great day today.
It was a very full day :)
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